How to prevent legal issues when dealing with digital technologies?


A series of 9 short video pills addressing copyright and data protection issues relevant for USI’s students and collaborators will be published during the next weeks on CCdigitallaw’s LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

Watch the first episode on the importance of human contribution for a work to be protected by copyright and its implication on the use of AI.

Within the project “Universities as learning communities: the path to digital transformation” financed by swissuniversities through the P-8 programme “Strengthening Digital Skills” (2021-2024) CCdigitallaw, in collaboration, with eLab developed a series of 9 short video pills addressing copyright and data protection issues relevant for the various faculties and roles within USI, with a particular focus on digital technologies. They answer questions such as: Are software codes or buildings protected by copyright? Am I allowed to use copyright protected images in my thesis? or Is a university allowed to share images of their students on its social media channels? 

Every week a new video pill will be published on CCdigitallaw’s LinkedIn and Facebook page.