Latest news
25.04.2024 – GenAI in higher education
We just held a successful workshop on the legal aspects of Generative AI, addressing questions such as: If I "create" something with GenAI, who is the author - myself or the developer of the GenAI software? If I use the generated result, am I reproducing the...
18.04.2024 – Workshop on Legal Aspects of GenAI in Lugano
AI tools make it possible to generate different works very quickly, but have you ever wondered who is the author of an AI-generated result? In the next Brown Bag Lunch to be held on April 25, our expert on copyright law Suzanna Marazza will address some of the legal...
01.03.2024 Brown Bag Series
Dive into 5 perspectives of Generative AI in higher education through 5 dynamic workshops in Lugano! Plus, join us for a specific workshop by CCdigitallaw - Competence Center in digital law, delving into legal challenges (the workshop will be held in Italian). Don't...
08.02.2024 – Eduhub days 2024
The eLab and the CCdigitallaw of the Università della Svizzera italiana just participated at the EduHub days 2024 discussing Learning Spaces and of course, exploring copyright in the context of physical and digital education. Questions and answers about what is...
07-08.02.2024 – Ccdigitallaw at the Eduhub days 2024
During the Eduhub days 2024 we provide cards with questions related to copyright in learning spaces. Here you can find the answers: 1. Can I show a YouTube video during a public event at the University of Zurich? No. While YouTube is freely accessible, videos without...
Regulatory Framework: Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht und Open Access als regulatorische Herausforderung
17.11.2023 Report (Deutsch) In collab. with Regulatory Framework, project by swissuniversities Report
03.10.2023 Video on Second Publication Right
We just released the video about Republishing Scientific Articles as Open Access (The Second Publication Right), made within Regulatory Framework and Universities as learning communities, projects by swissuniversities.
19.09.2023 – Recording of the webinar “How to distribute an already published article as Open Access?”
It's online the recording of the webinar "How to distribute an already published article as Open Access?" which took place 31.08.2023 and was made within the project Regulatory Framework.
28.04.2023 – Video about personal data’s ownership
It’s online the video created with Radiotelevisione svizzera (RSI) within the project MAPAW (Make A Privacy Aware World) about the (non) ownership of personal data! (only in Italian)
03.03.2023 – Podcast about AI, Copyright and Data Protection
A podcast in German about the use of personal data and works protected by copyright to train Artificial Intelligence.
Archived news
04.07.2019 – Available Resources of Webinar “Open Access et Droit d’Auteur”:
- Presentation Slides
- Webinar recording
- Q&A sheet with answers to questions that emerged during the webinar.
All information regarding the webinar can be found here!
23.08.2019 – Webinar: Open Educational Resources

Friday, September 27th, 2019 at 11am there will be a webinar about Open Educational Resources. The webinar is kindly offered by the “Digital Skills Powered by OER“ in collaboration with CCdigitallaw.
The webinar will be held by Melanie Graf in German and is open to everyone. Please register here!
10.10.2019 – Available Resources of Webinar on Open Educational Resources
- Presentation Slides
- Webinar recording
- Q&A sheet with answers to questions that emerged during the webinar.
All information regarding the webinar can be found here!
09.03.2020 – Swiss Copyright Act

The new Swiss Copyright Act, in force from 1st April 2020, can be consulted here.
The CCdigitallaw platform constantly updates its content to ensure the accuracy and quality of the information.
23.06.2020 – Digital Content Creators: What Legal Challenges for Creativity?

Webinar, June 23, 2020 | 17:30 – 18:45
The Digital Law Center (School of Law, University of Genva) is organizing a panel about the legal challenges for creativity.
The event is free of charge and open to everyone.
Details about the registration (to be done before June 22, 2020) and the panel program can be found here.
30.03.2021 – Legal issues in research data management

Online event, March 30, 2021 | 10:00 – 12:00
How am I supposed to deal with personal data collected during an interview? How can I publish my research data as Open Access? Can I re-use my colleague’s data for my own research? These and other legal questions will be discussed during this online event. The event will be held in English and is free of charge and open to everyone. For more information and to register, please click here.
13.09.2018 – Webinar: Exception to copyright for educational purposes
On Friday, October 12th at 11am the new webinar offered by the Competence Center will take place. Vincent Salvadé will introduce the exception for educational purposes and will explain how to use it.
The webinar will take place in French and is open to everyone. Please register here!
26.06.2018 – Available Resources of Webinar Copyright & Social Media
The video recordings and the slides presented by Yves Bauer are now available online.
You can download them from the webinar page.
01.06.2018 – Webinar: Copyright & Social Media
On Tuesday, June 26th at 11am the fourth webinar offered by the Competence Center will take place. Yves Bauer will introduce the topic of Copyright & Social Media. The webinar will take place in English and is open to everyone. Please register here!
07.05.2018 – Webinar: A Guide to Free and Open Source Software
The recordings of CCdigitallaw’s first podcast series on free and open source software are now available on the webinar page.
On Thursday, May 24th at 11 am the third webinar offered by the Competence Center will take place. Melanie Graf will answer to questions related to the podcast series. The webinar will take place in english and is open to everyone. Please register here!
15.12.2017 – Available Resources of Webinar Plagiarism and Good Scientific Practice
Presentation slides and answers to the questions that emerged during the webinar are now available on the webinar page.
05.12.2017 – Webinar Plagiarism and Good Scientific Practice
On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th at 11am the second WEBINAR offered by the Competence Center will take place. Danielle Kaufmann will introduce the topic of plagiarism and good scientific practice. The webinar will take place in German and is open to everyone. Please register here!
11.09.2017 – Job Vacancy – Legal expert
The University of Basel is looking for a legal expert to join the CCdigitallaw team. If you are interested, please have a lookg at the job advertisment here (in German).
26.06.2017 – Q&A from Webinar Creative Commons
ANSWERS to the questions that emerged during the WEBINAR on Creative Commons are now available on the webinar page. Please have a look at them!
30.05.2017 – Available Resources of Webinar Creative Commons
The VIDEO RECORDINGS and the SLIDES presented by Hermine Lacour during the first webinar offered by the Competence Center on May 29th are now available online.
You can download them from the webinar page.
04.05.2017 – Webinar Creative Commons
On MONDAY, MAY 29th at 11am the first WEBINAR offered by the Competence Center will take place. Hermine Lacour will introduce the topic of CREATIVE COMMONS. The webinar will take place in English and is open to everyone. Please register here!